
Where can I download the podcasts?

Premium podcasts within the membership vault are to be streamed online. However, the Awedacity Podcast that is publicly available can be downloaded everywhere you see our podcast.

Our Website

All podcasts are automatically on our website within five hours after being published. Which makes it easier for you to download directly on your device. Kindly follow the instructions below to download any episode you want

  • Click on the episode you want to download
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the share icon (as shown in Image 1)
  • Click the download icon (as shown in image 2)


The downloaded audio will not be named as the cloud accounts would have generated a number tag to distinguish it from all the media files on the internet.

Alternative B – Third-Party Apps

Many of these platforms will require that you have their apps to download the episodes within them. The benefit of this is that all downloaded episodes are named correctly but, they have a timeline expiration of 30 -90 days before you stop seeing them in the offline section of the app.

Here are places you can find our podcast for download.


Table of Contents