Meet us

Cardinal Values

• verb [AW] + [DAS] + [UH] + [TEE]


to live in reverential respect or wonder of who you are and to make the necessary sacrifices for whom your vision needs you to become. 

To have reverential respect or wonder for your vision and show a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks in order to achieve the results you dream of.


What says our students

If you've ever wanted free therapy sessions. This is it. I remember listening in on a random day to the episode on receiving is strength. It felt like Liza had cracked my vulnerable code of struggling to receive love and the need to receive as some other person's ways of seeing into me

Tolulope Jasmine

Host, 30+ and clueless.

Your ability to discuss core issues facing 21st-century youths in simple terms is admirable. I particularly enjoyed the episode "Single and Secure" because of the realistic portrayal of the general expectations of single people as it applies to sex and marriage and solution application.



Why Choose us?

We are cool. How about that? 

On a serious note, no one here has the time to compete with you or force you to become a lie. Instead, we stay in our calls yet become masters of accountability, collaboration and motivation. If you want that, join us.


This is not a competition; everyone here is like a tree in a forest. Here, we share, collaborate, inspire, hold accountable and challenge.


All contents are designed to meet your preferred learning style; textual, aural, visual & tactile.


Tens of paid courses, webinars, seminars, conferences, books, podcasts and personal results are compressed into our vaults at the price of one.


This call is all yours to make even though you have have got group sessions and support.


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